Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0

Sentence and Kind of Sentences

All Question - (255)

Attend your classes regularly
Do not attend classes regularly
Attend classes regularly
Not attend classes regularly
Attend your classes regularly
Do not attend classes regularly
Attend classes regularly
Not attend classes regularly
He is a boy
He is a good boy
Though he is wealthy,he is a miser
In spite of his wealth he is a miser
he is a boy
he is a good boy
though he is wealthy, he is a miser
in spite of his wealth he is a miser
Simple sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound sentence
Interrogative sentence
Attend your classes regularly
Do not attend classes regularly
Attend classes regularly
Not attend classes regularly
complex sentence
simple sentence
compound sentence
exclamatory sentence
He is a boy.
He is a good boy.
Though he is wealthy,he is a miser.
In spite of his wealth he is a miser.
Do not waste your time in vain.
Do not waste time in vain.
Not waste your time in vain.
Do not waste your valuable time in vain.
Since she was ill, she did not come.
Read more and you will know more.
If you read more you will know more.
In spite of his proverty he is honest.
complex sentence
simple sentence
compound sentence
adverbial clause
assertive sentence
imperative sentence
optative sentence
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Optative sentence
Assertive sentence
Optative Sentence
Imperative sentence
Complex sentence
I had no doubt whether he had passed.
I was not sure whether he had passed.
I was not doubtful whether he had passed.
I was not doubtless whether he had failed.
Time flies very swiftly!
How time does fly !
How does time fly!
What a time flies!
I know about his birth and its day .
His birthday is know to me .
I know when he was born .
This is his birthday and I know it .